
Breaking News

The hated and banned drug Hydroxychloroquine IS WORKING!

One America Network News reports the latest findings on Hydroxychloroquine, used in conjunction with Zinc – Excellent Results.  (3:43) – OAN Website

Should video get pulled down see it here

Dr. Drew interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko about how he successfully treats Covid-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc – Talk begins after 1:10 – (1:00:38)

It has been proven that vitamin D is working for PREVENTION – WATCH.

Large French Real-World Observational Study Reveals Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin Associated with Reduction in Hospitalization & Death for COVID-19 Patients

Led by IHU-Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, a group of French research centers initiated early and massive screening for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in a hospitalized patient demographic. The study team analyzed the treatment of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (HCQ-AZ) for those patients screened positive for SARS-CoV-2. Out of 3,737 patients screened positive for COVID-19, 3,119 were treated with HCQ-AZ. The French team found that treatment with HCQ-AZ decreased the risk of the COVID-19 patient needing transfer to the ICU or death. Overall, the use of HCQ-AZ was associated with a decreased risk of hospitalization. The retrospective study revealed that an early diagnosis as well as early isolation and early treatment of COVID-19 patients, with at least 3 days of HCQ-AZ, leads to a significantly better clinical outcome and an expedited viral load reduction than other treatments.

Read the full document on Trial Site News (if not removed)


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